Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gone Too Soon

(Photo was taken in Maui, Hawaii, USA during a practice bike ride. He was there to compete in the Xterra World Championships last October 2012)

It's been four years since my last post. I lost any and all interest in writing and sharing and that's the reason why it took so long to update this blog.

Last March 10, 2013, my husband Reymond Cruz succumbed to cardiac arrest while competing in a triathlon in Subic, Olongapo. He was 2 kilometers away from the finish line when he collapsed and he never regained consciousness. He left behind two beautiful daughters who love and adore him.

I've been trying to find ways to cope with my loss and so I thought that by writing again, I could express myself and find an outlet for my grief. I'm not too sure this will work but maybe, just maybe, it will help me deal with my grief.

The posts will not be long. In fact, it will just be composed of short ideas or feelings or emotions I may be feeling on a particular day which I'd rather share randomly here for people to read than in Facebook where so many people are watching my every move.

I like the randomness of a blog. People can come and go as they please.

Please don't expect any deep or profound reflections. I probably won't even edit what I write. I just need a place where I can talk and breathe. I need a place where I can honor my husband, my feelings or just plain say how I feel.

I love you, Reymond and I miss you every single day. I hope that you are indeed in a better place and that you feel no more hurt and pain. Please watch over us.

Did I already say that I love you today? Always.


keepsakes. etc said...

welcome back

Dek said...

Hi Ms. Kat.

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband :(

Be strong Mam. God Bless you and your family.
