Friday, January 3, 2014


Happy New Year! 

2014 represents so much for me. It means I can leave the past year behind and start fresh again. The worst is over and I just have to continue looking forward. 

To start my year fresh, I've decided to do a little spring cleaning. 

I've been keeping a journal for the past 12 years. I've documented everyday of my life since 2002. Since Reymond passed, I've made it a hobby to look at them daily. Some days I'd laugh but most days, reading them made me extremely sad and depressed. It didn't help much that the journals were on the left drawer of my office desk. It was very accessible to me and that's why out of habit, I'd go through them everyday. 

Today, for some reason, I wanted to keep them. Somewhere still close but maybe not as accessible. I picked up all thirteen of them (2007 has two -- one for the office and one for the house) and put them in a safe. Locked and sealed. I will always have access to them but it will now be an effort for me to pick one up and read. 

I know this is yet another step for me in my journey to healing and recovery. I still have a long way to go but I know that someday soon, all the hurt and pain and suffering I'm feeling now will be but a distant memory. 

I hope you will all still be with me on my journey this 2014. 

Here's to a better year! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's to another year, Kat! I missed seeing you during the holidays. I didn't realize that you had revived your blog. I wished I had known and could have followed you over the year.

You shared so much and I hope the blog provided you a way to express your thoughts and feelings.

I am always praying for you and your girls, Kat. And of course, for Reymond too.