Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Transformation

It's been close to 6 months since my last blog entry. June last year, I was a total mess. I just went aimlessly through the day without any goal or target in sight. It was a zombie like existence. It's true what Rocio said when I met her in May 2013 ... this time next year will be oh so different. And so it has been. I am smiling more, interacting more, I am less sensitive and I believe I am not as sad and as distant as I used to be. I think I don't blog as much because I no longer feel sorry for myself. I've accepted my fate. Little by little, I am learning to cope with my new life, my new status.

Besides, I've been busy these past 6 months. I am trying to pay more attention to how I look. Selfish for sure but whatever makes you feel good about yourself can't be all that bad right?

In 2013, I ballooned to a whopping 147 pounds. I had already gained weight in 2012 and it just got worse after Reymond passed. I was stress eating, using it as a means of escaping my misery. When I looked at myself in the mirror last January 2014, I didn't like what I saw. I was already sad on the inside, I looked even sadder on the outside. I knew then that I had to make a conscious effort to start getting healthy again. I never really stopped exercising but I never bothered to watch what I ate either. Thus the enormous weight gain.

On the third week of January, I began the YOLI Better Body System. It consisted of measured food, food supplements and protein shakes as meal replacements. It was such a radical change for my carb loving, junk food craving body. I also gave up my Coke Zero, Green Tea Latte and Coffee addictions as well since carbonated and caffeinated drinks were a no-no for this diet. I felt very, very alienated but I knew I had to stay firm on this diet if I wanted to have changes in my physique. Besides, YOLI was just for one month. It was worth a shot.

I was very strict on my diet for the duration of that month. Even after the YOLI pack ended, I still kept to the meal plan suggested but I no longer had the food supplements and shakes. I saw my weight go down, my pants get loose and family and friends were beginning to take notice of how different I looked.

I couldn't say for sure how much I changed ... not until I put two very distinct pictures side by side. See the difference ...

The picture on the left was taken on March 10, 2013 ... the day Reymond passed. As you can see, it was a glorious day for me ... my first open water triathlon. I never had the chance to celebrate that victory.

The picture on the right was taken last May 25, 2014 ... more than a year after. I am leaner and meaner. Haha! You can actually see my neck! My face is thinner and the letters on my trisuit don't stretch as wide. I celebrated on that glorious May Day ... both my relay victory at Defy123 Tri and my victory over my battle with the bulge. By that time, I was already down to 125.

As of today, June 25, 2014 -- I am down to 122. The thinnest I've been since giving birth to Alessi nine years ago. I am very happy and content now. Call it superficial but at least one aspect of my life is doing great and that makes me very, very happy. I am now in control of my body. I am no longer beholden to all the junk I used to push inside my mouth. I am a healthier and more balanced eater and I couldn't be happier.

I hope that you will also take better care of your body. As we age, we need to make that conscious effort. Don't allow yourself to be unhealthy with your food choices and with your exercise routine. Take charge of your health! Here's to a better YOU in 2014! 

(Photo of me and my brother taken last June 21, 2014)

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