Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Almost Paradise

Most of the trips I've taken since March have either been with my family, my children or for work. I've always wanted to get away by myself but was never able to find the opportunity. Up until now.

Good friend Ditas is leaving in October to migrate with her hubby Abner and adorbs son Tino. Coincidentally, it was Reymond who introduced the lovebirds back in 2009. But I digress. 

Anyway, since Ditas is migrating, her bestie Yvette decided to organize a trip for her as a last hurrah before she leaves. We fondly called our adventure #despeditas. 

We were joined by Rizza, Coleen, Maricel and together, we explored the beautiful island of Balesin. It was really one of my best trips ever. I had nothing else to think of but where my next picture should be. Heehee. And what I should wear, where should we eat, what to drink, etc etc. Selfish yet again but sometimes, you need selfish in your life. I think if there's any time to be selfish in my life, now would be a great time. 

Balesin was such a welcome respite for me. I feel so rejuvenated. I can't wait to get back there again. Beautiful island with such beautiful friends = an unforgettable experience.

I know it was your birthday, Reymond, and you should be the one receiving presents but thank you for such a wonderful gift. Thank you for making it all come together for me. Thank you for giving me this alone time. It was a little short of perfect (departure then turn around -- haaaaay) but it came pretty darn close to it. 

I am also so thankful for this opportunity to be with girlfriends in one of the most breathtaking backdrops ever. I cannot say enough about Paradise. Hoping to return again soon. 

1 comment:

Sugar and Spice said...

Vacations are good. Not only for the body but also for the mind & the soul. <3 It's was nice to see all your smiling pictures on Instagram. You, of all people, deserve bits & pieces of happiness from time to time as a break. Someday, I hope, those bits & pieces will instead be 1 whole package of love, sunshine & happiness, Kat! <3