Tuesday, September 10, 2013


First it was Rocio. Now it's Anna.

Today I received a most intriguing friend invite and message on FB. It was from Anna, a person I've been stalking on Facebook. Heehee. Stalking eh.

Anyway, I first heard about her from triathlon friends. She is a widow like me. Although the circumstances of her husband's death are very different from Reymond's, we both share the pain from the loss of a loved one. I've always wanted to get in touch with her to talk but was so afraid that talking to me might make her feel pain and hurt all over again. I didn't want to be selfish. It had been more than a year for her and so I wasn't really sure if she would want to talk to another widow whose pain and grief was still so fresh. 

So imagine my surprise when I received that invite and message from her. I was happy. Is it the right emotion? Not too sure about that but it made me smile to see her on my inbox. I wanted so much to reach out to her and then the opportunity presented itself to me. I'm so very lucky she had the guts to reach out to me when I was too chicken to take that chance. 

We have already exchanged a number of messages on FB. As if we were old friends. Strange but I feel so connected to her and somehow, it comforts me. Can't explain why. It just does.

We might finally get to meet at a race on Sept. 22. I am so looking forward to that. We have also earmarked our one on one dinner date at the end of the month. So looking forward to that as well. 

Today is a significant day not only because I found Anna but because it is six months today since Reymond passed away. I'm still standing! And I am making new friends. He would be so proud. 

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